D he wants American automaker Chrysler in future Reduce the number of suppliers and is therefore not belong diesel engines more from VW. Production Manager at Chrysler, Frank Klegon said, literally.. "Today, we buy our diesel engines even more of Mercedes, one of GM's VM Motori and VW The agreement with VW is, however, phased out soon and is not extended, we want to consolidate our supply sources. "
Chrysler last year processed 40,000 engines from VW in their models, as well as 43 000 Diesel engines from Mercedes and 55,000 diesel engine from VM Motori.Since not renewed the contract with VW is to supply Mercedes for the most part, the lack of engines. Thus, the volume of deliveries of Mercedes engine in Chrysler would almost double. Klegon expects in the future with a successful and close cooperation between Mercedes and Chrysler.
Source: www.dasautoblog.com
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