Sunday, February 17, 2008

Std Flesh Colored Bus

pickings for Swabian PT Cruiser Winter Gillen.

A meeting of the special was on Saturday the 16th of February.
Ca. 20 PT Cruiser from Bavaria, Swabia, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and even Berlin came to the Winter BBQ to Heidenheim.
A very nice area with heated cabin and fireplace expected the cruiser in the bright sunshine and wind chill minus Temerature. Norman's Super BBQ Grill created an excellent mood. Having reviewed the PTs were ersmal over coffee and cake in the sunshine, was a barbecue at the campfire to hot in the evening.
Nice car talk let the evening end comfortably in the hut. Until next winter grilling

More images like this s happening at Gallery!

PT Cruiser Wintergril Len Heidenheim 2008


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