Monday, March 7, 2011

Horse Carriage Rides Melbourne Cost

Transience ...

Hello everyone,

this rose is my great found somewhere on the road
and put them to the rescue in a bowl with water.
Although it is already plenty of battered - but still looks so beautiful, right?
In a very own way ..

And more and more beautiful plants in the garden make
wide to show us that slowly but surely, spring is coming!
Unfortunately, more and more weeds ;-)

We have so much planned for the garden in this holiday week ...
today we are one sooo sweet hanging willow purchased - so you want an 'I've always been! Then

has now finally got my sister her Abi-care package,
that my other sister, my mother and I have compiled it,
with pins, dextrose, and what else can you do Sun
why I can now show you the good luck that I made her

In the Ringelschwänzchen I worked wire ...
and bows with a green snap Kam fixed
is not it cute?

There is still much more to the point, but there are only gradually see ;-) I

wish you have a great week, with or without holiday ...

All the best,

Kates Playgrounds Strawberries Panties

Lifelong dream.

Datei:New-York-City---Manhattan---Central-Park---(Gentry).jpg I ask you today to talk a little bit of my personal and real life dream - and honestly - if I just think I am euphoric. But the anticipation and this desire ... it's a wonderful feeling. Where there is also melancholy, as the fulfillment of my dream somewhere in the stars ... My life dream is to travel to New York. Just the thought makes me lapse into daydreams. I ask myself often, so many times that I sat on the plane and off you go. And I know I will love it. I want to see Central Park, run by there to explore every inch of there. I want to take pictures of Times Square, high-rise the scratch really in the true sense of the word, the clouds, different from the people, from small clubs uptown. I have so many ideas of which these words here, are threatening to strike. I would like to have breakfast at Tiffany's, as my little heroine Audrey.
I would like to see the Statue of Liberty and believe for the moment because it really is freedom. I want there, simply walk through this great city and enjoy every moment. I want to wake up in a small, comfortable hotel room, open the window and see the city, the huge houses, their people, on their streets, their Cars and on the sun as it rises above it. I would like the Empire State Building up and overcome my fear of heights, have the feeling of being above all, to do anything. I would also stroll through Brocklyn, watch me, the artists' studios and small bars with the long-forgotten musicians. Life suck just there! go off in the musical Cats and driven by a yellow taxi through the city. Just one look at a baseball game and hope that there on that day someone gets a marriage proposal, what a beautiful way to keep a hand on. Also China Town in Manhattan, I would like to visit. A China far away from Asia. And again, can I tell you, I would take photos, photos of photos ... At night, by day in the rain, in sunshine ... Just realize, I'm in New York, arrived in a dream ... It grabs me the desire to travel immediately go to ... yet I know it is impossible at the moment. But someday, yes someday, I'll do it. I will travel to New York and I will be super emotional. I would like Kevin from "Home Alone in New York" to arrive and this city look like this it really is. In the case of my DREAM ...

so worldly, I know there are always some dreams that you are always only see holds, but in this case, I'm sure he will be true. Because I myself am guilty and Audrey.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Make My Dog's Shit Harder

What a weekend ...

lucky that we now have a week off,
because this weekend was so full
because we need a little time to relax ;-)

That was one of our discoveries on Saturday:

of Is not it great? I'm curious to see how it goes with the tree stump. He
opposite the entrance to our garden friends as I can from time to time to document
;-) I would also like a few slices it, but that is probably nothing. This morning we were

the first time this year at the flea market - a new flavors I've also bought ...
and then was with us in the town hall Spiders and Insects exhibition.
I have sooo many pictures made the last few days - so stay excited!

It was a great weekend - I hope of your too!!

love all regards, Lisa

PS Our cat is not (yet) reappeared ...
When he gets back I'll tell you this as soon as possible.