Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mild Period Pains Week Before Period

Top 5 breakfasts all-around-the-world

now I do not like I'd been everywhere and had seen it all, but the Portiönchen, the I've seen, tasted, smelled and felt, I can even share with you in this way. If you think you now: The list is incomplete, as are at least another 60-10 points to then reach into your bag of letters and let grow over time: P travel budget always welcome. No-kidding. Today I will take you into the realm of breakfast, colazione petit-dejeuner, breakfast, it has many names.

It is clear that it is the first meal of the day and has a special meaning for me and is sacred to me. Especially if I leave, I love me (for hours) to take time to devouring everything in the bars and cafes in the world in me, which is capacity. For a good breakfast heralds a fantastic day, do not you think?

we-well after the breakfast, but with this koalaförmigem waiter.

5th Fronkreisch

Jaja, a café au lait is ordered faster than he is paid, because you're right: 4,50 € for a simple cup of coffee with a dab of milk now is not the dream of your sleepless nights. Expensive they are, already, the French. But you have a very important point, have not taken into account: the atmosphere. Round tables, sitting shoulder to shoulder in the delivery directly to one of the most beautiful courses in France observed, it can and is observed. Or you can choose the advanced method: breakfast at the bar. Since you can then talk with the koalabärartigen waiter actually comes not from Paris but from southern climes, and every day the same crowd in his bar, looking out into spill. This can enjoy what the three secrets of French cuisine united in the form of a crescent: the Croissant with its main constituent parts of butter, butter and beurre ... uh ... butter!

Sun breakfast is in Venezia: With royal milk froth!
4th Bella Italia

Oh yes, the coffee here is worlds better and cheaper. But that is true with the worlds containing only when the breakfast "standing" does. With a croissant or a brioche commits to the day. And is mainly due to the wonderful coffee that's a not insignificant part of the breakfast on the fourth ung'schauter Place outdated and the noble France, although you Croissant & Co has been copied. If you are really bold, ordered that one is already toasted panini, you will reap perhaps for eyebrows, since the're determined only for lunch business, but usually makes even the blonde mane and distinctive alpine accent that I will certainly not taken seriously is.

third Vienna, only you ....

Yes, what can I say. Patriotism notwithstanding, I'm just just get off here and have to honestly say: a hearty bread with a lot Körndlzeug or a croissant / Sesamzopf cheer my soul. Toll is also the self braided Striezel. All 'the is accompanied by lots of sweet spreads such as jam (yes, I refuse to tell me jam!) or original Austrian honey. A lovely tea to freshly squeezed orange juice and you're saved the world!

second Very British

If it were me, I would make the tea time early in the morning. Because scones, ladies and gentlemen, simply the coolest debris are on God's earth. If you get paid to the scenery of Cornwall, the world is again a little something perfect. But real British breakfast rocks quite usual, with especially strong all, fat-stomach-friendly (as I am one!). Since there are sausages, bacon, baked beans and fried eggs, they all connect together with the peeled paradise, and give a joint smell and taste explosion. Being able to get the bebutterte Toast (where we were back at point 5) to come, heaven seems very near. (And the early morning!)

first Ämäricän

Yes, I'm really sorry. But what is, is. And if you look at America's history, I soon came out that melting pot of cultures. Where cultures and eating. And where a lot of food because a lot of fun. Well. And who can one Blueberry Pancake soaked in Maple Syrup resist. With freshly squeezed orange juice, a cheap Italian imprints-added Cappuccino and above all, with Cream Cheese Bagel. Often imitated, never duplicated. (Believe me, I've tried it, things really taste the best in New York!) Or should I make up my mind yet for the Eggs Benedict .... I think still needs ...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Did Justin Bieber Live In Colorado

That you do not forget me ...

I'm talking about one of my "song videos" picked out. ^ ^
I hope it survives: p/u/0/nr9zUW3b-Tg) http://www.youtube.com/user/FreiesUeberleben


I hope I soon from this "I- -no-internet-shit "come out ... -.-
But my father is totally opposed to me just to prove his power, so I will not fall on the knee. Never. I do not begrudge him this success. So now I can save even on a net-book. What remains for me otherwise. I do not throw myself at your feet and I will not beg, not for such a Lapalie, probably in a few minutes would be clarified. Where
is just sad that my father is a computer and could not help ...
matter. I used every opportunity to sign between me through times with you.

Besides, if I finally have a netbook can I write on the road, all that seems to me precisely in the sense that the humanity enriched doubt me, but I enjoy it: D Ciao

world, which I be back reach!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pittsburgh Storage Actions

Magic anticipation

rejoice in the fact that long-awaited movie comes to the movies is probably better than any Schenk-anticipation. At the moment haunts me just following French string through my thoughts. If you are proficient in French, you can put the official view -colorful page . Otherwise, you can up-and-as I wait until this film also with us in the cinema comes and you popcorn crackling on the red chairs sit and wait for the following:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

X Wing Fighter Pinewood Derby Car


Finally, I too have accepted it, that autumn has returned in Central Europe. Sad but true. To survive the whole thing better, I've been cut into with him and present him to a Packl now at its best. herbstlt

therefore on your screen a bisserl:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Raven Riley Discovered

In the brain herumpurzeln

OK, will you say, now she's gone completely mad, insane or a total of almost gaga. Well, I'm sorry, so be it. Yesterday I was was born on my Ohrwascheln, I will of course Waschel practice immediately sample the examples were. I'll try with mental decline. That you have to give it to you again: The lady that makes the because such a course has passed and the person has in this course at least five kilos kilos can purzerln has dropped!


And I immediately hooked on the idea: you can only decrease in the brain. And my brain has to do mostly nothing before me and so I can devote so? What do you mean? As you can workout in the gym and the brain wakes up as if asleep in the morning and get up with sparrows (muscle ache for my readers from the love Germany!) Give you the !!??? I'm over the moon, completely finished. The people from the course have just eaten the same amount and made no sport and a cube of butter at a time were able to peel away from itself. This is the future, ladies and gentlemen!


My problem is then likely that I forget to think about losing weight and me in the back torture must be Lent and soup bars. But it would be nice. A Magnum Plate Milka clean stuffed with only the single thought: I am thinner and thinner and thinner. I'll try again ... and let you know then worked obs;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Typical Cervical Mucus Before Menstruation

Princess Erina Katz

Kate is a princess and I am not. Despite phase I still have not overcome. Know you, that was my plan ... and that was quite small since at least I and the dashing William for the first time on the (CRT) TV screen've seen. What a nice smile, a great blonde and yet so far out of reach. That is why I am so often moved to England, only to meet him. He sees me, is fire and flame and takes me by storm with his wife. Well, think again. Now he marries Kate Middleton this. (Kate-even my name she stole in-cheek!)

little hair

But I have to somehow say that I am not so unhappy that the plan has burst. First, the guy has already almost no hair at the Royal Kopferl and second, it would be somehow fully desolate when I was a princess. Then I would have to live with him in Wales, between ghosts and castles and watch him, perhaps even the helicopter flying.

nobleman Blog

However, I could perhaps write a blog and noble account for my great work written testimony á la "The day was a dream of my prince drove early in the day I was with my.. 50 employees alone. In the evening we played in front of the fireplace Bridge. " Well, that was my life then ....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Can I Upgrade A Gateway Gt5078e Xp?

fairly short stupid.

Hello world. At the moment it is pretty stupid, I do not have internet, and I hope it does not last long run.
But my dear father, has to do so for weeks to repair better than my computer.
Something I call reliable.
As soon as I can write again, I shall be clean from hang me something, I love this blog, my heart lies bleeding in here and I will given him the way through it.

An honest thank you to my wonderful readers. : -* Thank

world that there are people you can rely on ...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Indoor Rabbit Cage Plans

music to Sunday

Have fun & beautiful sunny day:)

Friday, November 12, 2010

La Senza Chemise Model

Mei failed

Is there anything more beautiful than nature?

... Oops ... I slide right now, starting in exactly this moment in the trash ... and you're there live ...

... for a house, a pool, a car or a work of art can never be as beautiful as the easiest tree moss or something that runs over a shapeless stone and makes him look like a big green plush pillows. I can always have contact with nature, just blow me really.

And what does it do for nature? She has not studied .... no doctor, not even A-levels has made it, she has not learned a craft, and is not particularly good at small talk, let alone that she has any idea of networking.

It is like she is

because it's just there, growing to himself or is cut down by an earthquake, grad as it all depends. But out of the situation makes them the best, the good old nature. In winter they wrapped themselves in a magical cloak of snow, in summer it looks that they can collect as much heat. And in the interim period, you will ask now ... so in the interim period, as they swill like a fish. And yet-or perhaps because-it is for each of us a damn cool sock.

Why just today

Why is the natural environment is now my Hero? Well, this is due to the fact that I am an early morning out of bed and toss and turn out stroll (with two sticks in his hand ... yes, I walke ... because Walken is anSTÖCKEn d. ..) And even though the Autumn really not my favorite season is, I have noticed that right now, give the most beautiful scenes, the warmest light tickles my nose and I lie perfectly wrong for me to swear constantly with the fall because he is the harbinger of the cold. Autumn is cool and that's that. And who will not believe me, but about 8 times Clock (or earlier) march through the forest and to me nothing you can enchant anything. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

5 Monyh Old Dry Cough

The 5 most enchanting small towns

first Giverny

Maybe I was just tired of the big city, but when I périphérique the gates of Paris left me and went towards Monet-Pleasure-Palace took a load off my heart and one day I was there: meadows full of wicked-red poppies and then this pink house, the anti-sexual triumvirate (unfortunately just for insider sorry) attended. And then there was still a garden was like a painting .... stop ... not as something with water lilies or something?

Photo: K. Hurley

second Amalfi

An encounter as a declaration of love. As she stood on the yacht and looked at the illuminated village tender: Each pastel houses glued to the stone as hundreds of candles. The dusk had to hide anything: The next day the sun was at its highest was still perfect. (I must at this point in some other cities in Italy, sorry ... I got it to me for this blog entry made it a rule only one village per country rauszufischen-sorry!)

third St. Ives

front beach, back beach and somewhere in between still a phat Museum named Tade. This is St. Ives, ladies and gentlemen. A place I never get out of my brain and invariably with the attributes to be beautiful, glamorous, gorgeous, creative, charming, and stay connected worth. The promenade is to eat in the onshore freshest seafood and pizza original English, but also in the second row in Seafoodcafé feasts it is fantastic.

Photo: Sandro Mancuso

4th Trogir Croatia

our use of land. For Vineyard vacation good enough. That was then! Trogir is really damn sexy with its stone streets, the lovely homes and the marina atmosphere. The best thing even a few hundred miles further than previously always go for Croatia holidays included, and presto: You're in paradise.

Photo: patstravelogue

5th Sausalito

The only overseas towns in this list has at least as much charm as the others. American stop. It is what the Diner on 5th refilled coffee and enjoy the local "Luke" (Gilmore Girls allusion-sorry ...) to watch at work, tuck in a much too greasy "real American breakfast" and stroll afterwards through the Fischerkaff that somehow totally lucky that It has taken root in front of San Francisco. Toll is also the house boats that can spot here.

you have a tip about a small, sweet little town that must not be missing in this list?