Monday, November 29, 2010

Did Justin Bieber Live In Colorado

That you do not forget me ...

I'm talking about one of my "song videos" picked out. ^ ^
I hope it survives: p/u/0/nr9zUW3b-Tg)


I hope I soon from this "I- -no-internet-shit "come out ... -.-
But my father is totally opposed to me just to prove his power, so I will not fall on the knee. Never. I do not begrudge him this success. So now I can save even on a net-book. What remains for me otherwise. I do not throw myself at your feet and I will not beg, not for such a Lapalie, probably in a few minutes would be clarified. Where
is just sad that my father is a computer and could not help ...
matter. I used every opportunity to sign between me through times with you.

Besides, if I finally have a netbook can I write on the road, all that seems to me precisely in the sense that the humanity enriched doubt me, but I enjoy it: D Ciao

world, which I be back reach!


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