Monday, March 7, 2011

Horse Carriage Rides Melbourne Cost

Transience ...

Hello everyone,

this rose is my great found somewhere on the road
and put them to the rescue in a bowl with water.
Although it is already plenty of battered - but still looks so beautiful, right?
In a very own way ..

And more and more beautiful plants in the garden make
wide to show us that slowly but surely, spring is coming!
Unfortunately, more and more weeds ;-)

We have so much planned for the garden in this holiday week ...
today we are one sooo sweet hanging willow purchased - so you want an 'I've always been! Then

has now finally got my sister her Abi-care package,
that my other sister, my mother and I have compiled it,
with pins, dextrose, and what else can you do Sun
why I can now show you the good luck that I made her

In the Ringelschwänzchen I worked wire ...
and bows with a green snap Kam fixed
is not it cute?

There is still much more to the point, but there are only gradually see ;-) I

wish you have a great week, with or without holiday ...

All the best,

Kates Playgrounds Strawberries Panties

Lifelong dream.

Datei:New-York-City---Manhattan---Central-Park---(Gentry).jpg I ask you today to talk a little bit of my personal and real life dream - and honestly - if I just think I am euphoric. But the anticipation and this desire ... it's a wonderful feeling. Where there is also melancholy, as the fulfillment of my dream somewhere in the stars ... My life dream is to travel to New York. Just the thought makes me lapse into daydreams. I ask myself often, so many times that I sat on the plane and off you go. And I know I will love it. I want to see Central Park, run by there to explore every inch of there. I want to take pictures of Times Square, high-rise the scratch really in the true sense of the word, the clouds, different from the people, from small clubs uptown. I have so many ideas of which these words here, are threatening to strike. I would like to have breakfast at Tiffany's, as my little heroine Audrey.
I would like to see the Statue of Liberty and believe for the moment because it really is freedom. I want there, simply walk through this great city and enjoy every moment. I want to wake up in a small, comfortable hotel room, open the window and see the city, the huge houses, their people, on their streets, their Cars and on the sun as it rises above it. I would like the Empire State Building up and overcome my fear of heights, have the feeling of being above all, to do anything. I would also stroll through Brocklyn, watch me, the artists' studios and small bars with the long-forgotten musicians. Life suck just there! go off in the musical Cats and driven by a yellow taxi through the city. Just one look at a baseball game and hope that there on that day someone gets a marriage proposal, what a beautiful way to keep a hand on. Also China Town in Manhattan, I would like to visit. A China far away from Asia. And again, can I tell you, I would take photos, photos of photos ... At night, by day in the rain, in sunshine ... Just realize, I'm in New York, arrived in a dream ... It grabs me the desire to travel immediately go to ... yet I know it is impossible at the moment. But someday, yes someday, I'll do it. I will travel to New York and I will be super emotional. I would like Kevin from "Home Alone in New York" to arrive and this city look like this it really is. In the case of my DREAM ...

so worldly, I know there are always some dreams that you are always only see holds, but in this case, I'm sure he will be true. Because I myself am guilty and Audrey.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Make My Dog's Shit Harder

What a weekend ...

lucky that we now have a week off,
because this weekend was so full
because we need a little time to relax ;-)

That was one of our discoveries on Saturday:

of Is not it great? I'm curious to see how it goes with the tree stump. He
opposite the entrance to our garden friends as I can from time to time to document
;-) I would also like a few slices it, but that is probably nothing. This morning we were

the first time this year at the flea market - a new flavors I've also bought ...
and then was with us in the town hall Spiders and Insects exhibition.
I have sooo many pictures made the last few days - so stay excited!

It was a great weekend - I hope of your too!!

love all regards, Lisa

PS Our cat is not (yet) reappeared ...
When he gets back I'll tell you this as soon as possible.

Microsoft Marketsphere Unclaimed Properrty

He can forget it.

He expects respect from me - And I can not get. - make the I with no more. Never More!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Infrared Camera Rental Detroit

Thanks for the nice comments.
Unfortunately, the hangover has not turned up again ...
this is why it was here

This morning I felt not so good
so I've only just started out small ... with ironing ;-)
But in the afternoon we had to make timber,
we had, in fact hardly one that would have fit in the oven.
It was pretty icy, but despite the sun.
And even though I was at work warm,
afterwards I was really frozen solid.

helps other hand, only one thing really: aside

them and even of wood dust had to back down ;-)

nice evening
and best regards,

Marketspehre Unclaimed Property Microsoft

time ne question, are you satisfied with your life?

I think this is a clean hard question. Of course, you always want the target translated, so to live her own support as you like it, but we live it really so? It is a very ambitious target and actually we are all capable of our Lord, but somehow, in everyday life takes the objective as sand track , harmlessly accumulate between the garbage in our souls. He loses his own goal. Where we are completely self in their hands. I go today or not? I learn today or not? Normally we can determine yourself. But sometimes, sometimes you lose control, you lose, the sand track and we live as it does the daily routine. It has just used to it. And since we stupid people are creatures of habit, and it is difficult the reins of our self to take in hand and in a different direction to tear. "You know me but just so I can not change me!" Nice excuse, which we certainly all have somehow thought at some point in a quiet or loud moment. Sometimes simply lack the impetus for this, maybe a kick in the ass. So, I'm satisfied? Can I change something? SOMETHING I WANT CHANGE? And I've the MUT this? Or I will still sit next to my emotional garbage and every grain of sand to look together at some point hope to such a sand track found? The answer is, I do not know. I have to think.

such world, once again you managed to get me to think and immediately my confused thoughts to post here. I hope I'm not the only one that will reflect Nunan, because there are enough people who wonder sometimes should: Am I happy?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Discontinued Pfaltzgraff

Land of Chocolate

Belgium. Brussels. Bruges. Antwerp. Here are some impressions:

Hot Sin Mera Nam Jokar

I'm still alive but barely breathing

Hello, dear. Lately has pretty much changed. A long-awaited and especially good feeling. I've been thinking about many things and I'm glad that everything is worked out as it is now. Finally, assume again, have fun, to entertain myself with my friends about things that are important to me, feels beautiful and above all correctly. make new contacts and simply allowed to dream is what I need. My youth has me really live out in the 2 1 / 2 years when I was in a relationship, rather lacking. Just think about this one person day and night, however, has angefuehlt well some time ago. But of all the others, which I long ago did to my heart, I was separated unnoticed. But does just that in retrospect more than just hurt. Old and New to find them again to give me a chance but falls slightly, and I am more than happy. To my best friends and my class who are always for me been there. Although I have not been reported from time to time over a long time and I have argued with them. I carry you always in my heart because it gives me the strength not to give up and think of the good. Thanks for having people like you are!

Now Your Gone Grandma Poems

What sad ...

I know you can not help me.
But I have to get rid of the times now ...
employs the fact at the time the whole family.
I had last night been a nightmare because of it.
For about A week ago we miss our Benni.
He is neutered and all usually no more than two days to arrive.
We make our way slowly really worried ...
the children the neighbors have been searched,
I called the shelter and set there a missing indicator,
we do now posters ...
but ... that early last week just in our area
several cats have disappeared does not just confident :-(

please press us all fingers crossed that he turns up yet!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

34 Weeks Pregnant, Severe Pain Above Belly Button


today we had a visit from Leah's little friend.
Yesterday Lea was indeed been there, but the two are separated at the time hardly ;-)
I then all three girls made bracelets - for Kam snap test:

We are all thrilled. Maja finds her bracelet is the finest in the world.
After both - in the bad weather - have voluntarily practiced math
's been going on now.
Lea embroiders and Maja designing a bag.
I hope, I can also show the results soon.

a nice evening
and a good start into the new week,

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bulma Vegeta Doujinshi English

Sunday from now will also snapped here!

Halli Hallo my friends,

I have still the great Zwickl e-book by Renate (Mondbresal) risen.
Zwickl Who does not know should be sure to look for the times. to sew
Hab's still not make it, so a great purse :-(

But now was the reason I finally get to this:

too, I have not even tried -. tomorrow's the first attempts
Have there been so 'nen plan ...
But by sending Snaply I am now already very excited.
Ordered yesterday - are already here! Super, right?

Our day today was filled very well.
morning was the first time information day on the excretion of Maya's future school.
It was great. I am so excited about the chemistry and physics labs.
Such a great technical equipment we had then not ;-)
Maja is now totally convinced - that was previously not so easily
for it is the only member of the class, is quite sure that it goes as
and certainly it is the only girl ...
And then just the usual Saturday's - cleaning, shopping ...

Now I'm looking at a very comfortable evening.
Den I wish you well. And a beautiful Sunday!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Back Pain When Drink Cold Drinks


Hello everyone,

I do not know how's about you,
but we still have a lot of apples from last fall.

you are a bit wrinkled, nothing more to the so-food.
But for baking and cooking, they are still great.

After they have slowly but surely away there was this afternoon that:

The recipe is super easy and super delicious - taste the whole family.

Quark pudding with apples

5 medium sized apples
4 eggs
150 g sugar
1 pk vanilla sugar
500 g Quark
125 g Gries
half Pk baking soda 1 dash lemon juice
1 pinch salt
cinnamon and sugar

Peel apples and cut into pieces . Cut
separate eggs, beat egg whites until stiff.
yolks with the remaining ingredients and mix well.
whites move into the quark mass. give
All together the apples
in a greased baking dish.
Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.

a good half hour at 200 ° C - test strips - ready.
Single Serve with or without vanilla sauce.
good appetite :-)

Tastes incidentally also super tasty with other fruits
We have cherries, plums and currants made - all fine!

I wish you a great weekend with lots of sun!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Flash From Camera Can Damage Lcd Tv


Hello everyone,

I fear I have with the scones fever infected.
Where ... is actually nothing bad.

After a delicious recipe from

Thank you for the great recipe
It has only one drawback:
somehow it's too little, so they are much too fast away ;-)
It has the ingredients usually at home anyway.
It's really no time.
It is very easy to make.
It tastes very delicious indeed.
You can still vary as well.

And so we ate it:

with whipped cream and blackberry sauce.
(TK-berries, sugar, cinnamon, starch)
Allen has tasted excellent.

the recipe I can recommend you.
I will next time (and there will be safe!) Make
but in any case equal to twice the amount :-)

Happy Bake.
love all regards,

Walima Wedding Invitation

If the match is burned ...

... welcome to Katz Erinas "serious lesson" here you can find tips and tricks, the way you burn out, the large black stranger who hangs around out there in the area entgegenwirkst. Because we can all pack up and come with his stylish fashion anglicized names and kidnap us into the realm of darkness. We are not up to him, we can not multitask, basically, is our only stress defense system against attacks from saber tooth tigers and not built to the e-mail traffic on our smartphones, the Stream on Facebook and others singing. Previously people still interested in what the sparrow whistles on the neighboring roof, now he has to take over the social media almost medication, and as our friends (and non-friends) almost the whole day around us (cyber, cyber ...) need we do not even make the evening and may continue to work cheerfully.

Burning Ring of Burn-Out

You see, I have dealt with the topic of "burnout". Encounter a yes today on the road every day seems to me. Good day Mrs Burn Out, Hello Miss depression, Hello Mr. Burn Out at risk. Argentina thing, but how could this come to pass? I mean, the term Gibts already since the mid-70s, why is only now really coming in thick and adorns cover of mirror and Profile (Spiegel article is better btw ....)? And in spite of naughtiness to this diagnosis - it even does not exist, according to profile-so moved to be I'm always taken aback, who it applies specifically and am in my quiet little room, if it is not too easy on these train of subjective mental illness jump. On the other hand? Those who have voluntarily sold completely finished, only because he lure for early retirement and the eternal joys of doing nothing?

prevention is good ...

So I try, you, yes, exactly you, like to keep your brain to screw even in this direction: Think of crystal clear mountain lakes, you want to hike this spring with your friends, to the cyclist that you now drink night with your old school friends or even on the holidays that you already plan with your family. All recipes are perfect for the burn-out to escape ... and maybe you should also start your phone sometimes (but only sometimes ...) and off times;)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sony Muteki Htddw7500 Colombia

Just for me ...

Today I sewed a MiniGretelies.
With the many great examples that I saw with you again I could not resist.
And it's also done quite quickly. She looks quite different from the course for my mom.

That's actually a dress fabric, which I like very much - has not always be Scandinavian, right?
Decorated with Love-chirp (fits great for light blue lining - also see if any ...) and the RV
an old laundry Perlon tape. I like it and the mice would have immediately taken
if I had it okay. Even that is not the last - great e-book!

I wish you all a beautiful evening
and a good start into the new week.

All the best, Lisa

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Incompetent Narcissist

always something new ...

Hello everyone, today I

I redecorated a bit again.
We've got such a shelf above the television, saw the last honestly
terribly off, but now ...

These are the places that I like best.
The snowdrops I dug in the garden.
which we have so many ... and somehow all ;-)

but the whole must "grow" a bit longer!
I'll probably do little by a little bit what to do so.
Then I'll show's you all again.

But definitely better now than before ;-)

I wish you a beautiful Sunday morning
and a good night with sweet dreams.
Love, Lisa

PS Monday and Tuesday even, then the internship over.
Then I can sign in any case be a bit more often :-)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Get A Shiny Pokemon In Soul Silver

notes from the big city

important that we are all in some way a form. Now and then selectively scatter a prominent friend in conversation and inject a little something this influence. Big plans in the water head. Everything is fine, fine, but somehow Grinzing. The hair pomade full and leaning his arm on the red pillows patronizing the coffee house. Where is the spontaneity?

A portion glory, please

main thing we hear all talk like self, before heading back to the office with outrageously high ceilings, in the first course. We celebrate with our own long-established creativity, almost imperial. Although it is our job at that time did not exist, we exist large portion of this glory. A little bit to ring cake, A little bit to a lot of Mozart and the Habsburgs' chin. We own the world, or at least in Austria. The media we have a firm grip on who does what to say to come here, who can not attend, preaching, where the pepper grows.

far and wide, no nose

box us not known or is not somewhere in Baden? Where would we be rare. Our universe is small, but very nice. Our thinking big and serious. We carry in our heads and leather bags practically the whole country. Without us, nothing would go more, all are. Because we focus, epicenter, the center of the spiderweb. That's our style.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pine Derby Car Templates

let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday