Friday, February 25, 2011

Back Pain When Drink Cold Drinks


Hello everyone,

I do not know how's about you,
but we still have a lot of apples from last fall.

you are a bit wrinkled, nothing more to the so-food.
But for baking and cooking, they are still great.

After they have slowly but surely away there was this afternoon that:

The recipe is super easy and super delicious - taste the whole family.

Quark pudding with apples

5 medium sized apples
4 eggs
150 g sugar
1 pk vanilla sugar
500 g Quark
125 g Gries
half Pk baking soda 1 dash lemon juice
1 pinch salt
cinnamon and sugar

Peel apples and cut into pieces . Cut
separate eggs, beat egg whites until stiff.
yolks with the remaining ingredients and mix well.
whites move into the quark mass. give
All together the apples
in a greased baking dish.
Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.

a good half hour at 200 ° C - test strips - ready.
Single Serve with or without vanilla sauce.
good appetite :-)

Tastes incidentally also super tasty with other fruits
We have cherries, plums and currants made - all fine!

I wish you a great weekend with lots of sun!



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