Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pinky And Thumb Sign Mean

The dining


can think of a reason for starting work a title? (Well, "cafeteria" would be a hot tip, or perhaps "food" or simple "hunger" even though ... the yes would be better again as the original title, since at the time, at least for me, really is true) But the title has at least one bright side: You know, about what it is going in this journal, namely by the dining .

new in Graz

If we agree on it, that "new" "new to me", then the dining room is new. For I was once there, what I was not deterred, of course, free to four dishes simultaneously. (If you are exceptionally fast now, you can always work out, with how many people I was there!) Well, anyway, I have nothing as the impression that someone something has ventured from the beginning, he knew not whether he wins or in a few months the head in the sand.


game-winning dining

So, I have it with the loose-appearing casual concept, but is, on closer inspection, completely thought out and planned immediately captured. International cuisine: A kebab which is a multiple of the price Standl costs, but also has a taste or an explosive value Burger, who probably studied in Graz, his peers. Well: The fact is that since you have to go there and you shall make your own little opinion. And then you tell me, ok?


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