with us in the area are again some signs that disgust me again and again: "Attention hunt.
I just find disgusting, the hunting is done on animals. It's so pathetic. Especially in these modern times, I mean we are no longer dependent on to shoot us our food. We should ban all hunting. Of course, now come back to voices that mean the stock if it were not for the hunting would be much too high. But who is to blame, that there is no balance between the animals? We, people.
And the only reason to die, the animals? I also think that it is an excuse that one wants to bring the stock back into balance in order to justify their own murder. Blood lust and self-affirmation. Men want to be male and they have some justification get with expensive cars, many women slept with them or where in the hunt.
It's enough already chasing the people other people. Whether it is the Jewish persecution or war in general now, people everywhere chasing people.
such world, you see, we have more reason to be ashamed of us ...
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