Foto: garantiert zu wenig. Denn wenn man the iPhone once his term [ aɪ̯ɡən ] may be called, has now nothing more else to hold. Whether pen, whether computer, whether human, everything will be replaced over the short and sweet, this small apple with a winning thing. What happened to the paper? For pins? Ink? Spring? Blood? Ok ... now I go too far. But it's still a little contagious thing whose procurement you should consider carefully.
A look at the phone
Not like once when we were almost more of preceding eras, we now look to mobile phones and think: OK, no SMS, no calls, I can go on with the day's events (cinema / restaurant / work / meeting ...). No, we will also have to check our e-mails, look at Facebook what's new and check the contacts on Xing and who exactly is now in Skype online? How it looks, my friend, you have come from one subject to another and before you know it you play it up Plants vs. Zombies for the second time through, just because you really want to know how this looks Yeti Zombie, who you noticed yet the entire first run.
Practical time robbers
If you're already owns an iPhone, will you now feel you nod and confirmed in one or the other statement. (I see a grin at the end of your lips?) Yeah. It will be sworn in to a community. Another electronic with this stupid thing is an instantly likable, you know off the cuff talk on the five topics could be the apple-of-box so to speak, almost a bit like smoking among themselves, just with iPhone. Addiction? Absolutely. Bad? It is not yet clear.
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