Monday, January 10, 2011

Sick Familly Member Quotes

in the bakery

Hello my sweet,

first time Thanks for the kind compliments on my hat ... and of course me ...
you makes me so embarrassed! But I am, of course :-)

Today I baked bread. First I wanted to buy
yes one, but then I got it I still change your mind ;-)
But this was a quick cake mix, flavored with oatmeal.

And then once the oven anyway I was still warm quickly mango and coconut cake from the good dot
pushed inside. The recipe has sounded sooo delicious that I have the stuff for it ever had at home as a precaution. Try
but only tomorrow.

I can not tell you what smells better - bread or cake, or maybe those nice here:

Are the colors not just a perfect dream?

I wish a great rest of the evening,
want a good night with sweet dreams and a great day tomorrow!

All the best,



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