Saturday, January 8, 2011

Manfrotto 501 Diagram

My cap

Hello everyone, here I am again

:-) And I've brought you what: photos of my bonnet and myself.

first time the pattern:

I love knitting patterns so happened that as leaves.
Unfortunately, it is in the wool sooo difficult to take the color.
It is quite indefinable gray-lilac-brown-blue ... Depending
light it looks quite different, before charging quite different from it.
But beautiful I find them so and so and all. And sooooooo soft! missed

So, and then once on me,
for the red hair one more chance ;-)

times , look how long I leave the picture this time it ...

Am really looking forward to comments on my hat - I love them in any case already!

And then a teeny teaser - my latest project is already clamped:

But will I definitely need more ... but it is great!

I wish you all a wonderful evening and tomorrow into a lovely Sunday!

Very, very best regards, Lisa


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