Hi blog readers, thank you very much for your nice and uplifting words to my last post. I was really happy. I was hoping that now everything is better. But no, it's all over again. I have in recent days lost my everything. My sweetheart. And I'm still pretty shocked and of course very, very sad. But I hope it will again and we get together again. Nothing has been lost. I hope it will be like then and we can laugh again and get to love. I was just cleaning up my life and order. But with something I did not expect. Planning something one can not last. It just happens. Really hope it is better that I was calm and that I can live my life again. Hope for a fresh start with myself and with my sweetheart. When will that smile again back? On that things will get better and hopefully our paths cross again soon and dry my tears.
When is this smile back?
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